Staying Awake in The City That Never Sleeps....

Thursday, February 7, 2008

One Singular Sensation

My phone rang the other night and it was one of my married friends.

“So, listen,” she said “my husband may have to travel on Valentines Day so I wanted to know if you wanted to come over and we can make dinner and drink champagne or something.”

“Sounds good,” I replied, and then we caught up a bit.

It wasn’t until I was hanging up the phone that the thought crossed my mind.

What if I had plans?

I look at my parents and the other “grown-ups” in my life, those with a marriage and kids and they all have a token single friend; the friend who’s always around to babysit or who is up for a girl’s night out at the drop of a hat.

Am I becoming that person?

As more and more of my friends get engaged, married or couple off into domestic bliss with a partner, I am trying very hard not to ignore the faint sense panic that washes over me sometimes.

I mean, I would hate to look up one day and realize that I am the only single person I know.

1 comment:

Knight said...

I think of you more as the person I never call at the last minute because you always have plans. By the way, lets go to a jazz bar whenever you are free.